Image to be displayed

SelectedFilters creates a selectable filter UI view displaying the current selected values from other components. This component is useful for improving selection accessibility of other components.

Example uses:

  • displaying all the user selected facet filters together in the main view area for better accessibility.
  • building mobile responsive views where it is not practical to show all the UI components in the main view.


Basic Usage

	<selected-filters />

Usage with All Props

    clearAllLabel="Clear filters"


  • showClearAll boolean [optional] (defaults to true) When set to true, displays an additional button to clear all the filters

  • clearAllLabel string [optional] (defaults to 'Clear All') Sets the label for the clear all button.

  • title string [optional] Can be used to set a title

  • resetToDefault boolean [optional] When set to true and clearAll functionality is utilised, then it would set the filter's value to its default set value(the defaultValue prop) instead of null/ undefined. Defaults to false.

  • resetToValues Object [optional] It is a map of componentId to the component's value which would be used to set the component's value when clearAll action gets called. For example, the following configuration would reset the AuthorFilter to Nora Roberts on clearAll action.

            'AuthorFilter': ['Nora Roberts']
  • clearAllBlacklistComponents Array [optional] allows defining a list of component IDs, which would reset their values when clearAll action gets triggered.

    The following example instructs the SelectedFilters component to not reset the searchbox component's value when clearAll button is clicked by the user.


    Note: The clearAllBlacklistComponents prop has priority over resetToValues and resetToDefault props which means component would retain its current value and would ignore the values defined in resetToValues map or defaultValue prop.

Most ReactiveSearch filter components have a prop showFilter (defaults to true) which can be used to control whether the component's selected state appears in the SelectedFilters component. There is also a filterLabel prop which controls how that component is displayed.


The showFilter and filterLabel prop updates are only reflected if the underlying query of the associated component has changed.

As an example, check MultiList usage to see how showFilter and filterLabel can be used.


  • change function [optional] Provides access to the current selected values. This enables you to retrieve the selected filters and current search state in a convenient way.
  • clear function [optional] a callback function which will be called when a particular filter(value) has been removed from the selected filters, provides the component and value.


SelectedFilters component supports innerClass prop with the following keys:

  • button

Read more about it here.


SelectedFilters component can be extended to customize the look and feel with className.

<selected-filters className="custom-class" />
  • className String CSS class to be injected on the component container.
  • slot-scope ( Default Slot ) Enables custom rendering for SelectedFilters component. It provides an object as a param which contains all the props needed to render the custom selected-filters, including the functions to clear and update the component values. You can find the example at here.